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UPSIDE Foods received the world's first greenlight from the FDA to produce cultivated chicken meat—lab-grown meat made without slaughter. That’s incredible, history-making news. So we wanted to make sure that news got to those that it impacts most: chickens.

We took out a full-page ad in The New York Times to announce this historic development in an open letter—written entirely in ‘chicken language.’ Can’t read chicken? Scan the QR code at the bottom for an English translation.

Muse by Clio said "It's usually not great if your print ad is unintelligible. But in this case, it's perfect." I am exceedingly proud of this quote.

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When readers scanned the QR code at the bottom, it took them to a microsite with an 'English translation' of the letter and the option to sign up for further updates from UPSIDE so they could be among the first to taste their product when it comes to market. 

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